Tuesday, June 7, 2011

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  • Lucky7
    12-04 09:22 PM
    [QUOTE=GCwaitforever]That is somewhat slavish mentality. For a different perspective ... In the words of Curt Flood, "A well-paid slave is nonetheless a slave".

    I think you hit the nail on the head GC,even though i get paid very nicely i honestly feel like a slave every single day for the past 6 yrs.
    The last job i had to turn down was with a fortune 100 company and would have got to work on retrofit work on the Petronas Towers,every Architects dream, but had to turn it down because i cant travel till i get my GC cleared.
    As far as a lawsuit i think if DOL does not clear all cases by end of 2007 all people affected should donate $300 towards a class action lawsuit,people who can afford more should donate more obviously,and even if it does not achieve much at least it would get pulblic attention.

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  • gc_on_demand
    12-05 10:24 AM

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  • rajnag21
    08-13 05:28 PM
    Texas service center
    nsc - nebraska service center

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  • vijjus
    06-11 12:40 PM

    SOFIA, Bulgaria, June 11 � As he heads home from an eight-day European swing to face a hostile Congress, President Bush lashed out today at Democrats for scheduling a vote of no confidence on his attorney general, and vowed to get his stalled immigration legislation passed, saying, �I�ll see you at the bill signing.�


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  • DallasBlue
    09-26 09:14 PM
    Check out the local chapter messages on how to call in.

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  • Your Dirty Mind

  • sush
    07-09 01:06 PM
    Mine is TSC peding since May 2006.
    Upgraded to PP on Jun 19th 2007, no updates yet.


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  • cagedcactus
    04-06 11:05 AM
    while it is good to hear from USCIS, who pretends to be running smooth in law makers' eyes, it is also disappointing that nothing is being done to resolve. Numerous amounts of attempts have been made by pro immigration parties, but nothing has passed that can help the cause immensely. They just continue to run as they feel necessary, and regardless of how many senetors I have met, the outcome has been same. Lots of promises and no action.
    This is huge moneymaking machine for USA that will continue to be so. Why the heck would they jeopardise their income on EAD and AP renewals? :rolleyes:
    we are in for long ride.... have been in for a long time, and it is just getting longer....

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  • kookoo
    08-03 05:31 PM
    I know what I did was wrong. But what should I do now?

    I am worried if USCIS will be sending the copy of the experience letter for verification?


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  • gc_buddy
    01-08 08:08 PM
    Ok, Noted. That's what my company few years back advised few of our assoicates to do when they did not surrender I -94

    Embassies do not handle these matters. Departure and arrival records are maintained by Customs and Border Patrol (CBP). Here is the link for instructions on what to do if you did not surrender the I-94:

    http://help.cbp.gov/cgi-bin/customs.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=752&p_created=1077641280&p_sid=RGQ8g3Hh&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX 3Jvd19jbnQ9OCZwX3Byb2RzPTAmcF9jYXRzPTAmcF9wdj0mcF9 jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ubCZwX 3BhZ2U9MSZwX3NlYXJjaF90ZXh0PUktOTQ*&p_li=&p_topview=1

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  • nav_kri
    04-01 08:01 PM
    I got this in an email from Maple International

    "Please be rest assured that this news is not April Fool's joke.

    Today the Alberta immigration department announced that on April 15, 2009
    the on-demand occupation list of Alberta will be changed. Any applications
    postmarked before April 15, 2009 will be assessed based on the current list.
    All applications postmarked on or after April 15, 2009 will be assessed
    based on the revised list that will be posted on April 15, 2009.

    The possible change

    It is very possible that IT related occupations will be removed from the
    on-demand list on April 15, 2009. The original intent of this Alberta
    program was to recruit H-1B professionals from USA. The economy of Alberta
    was booming in recent 5 years because of the discovery of huge oil reserve
    in the northern part of the province. Alberta needs engineers such as
    Chemical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Civil Engineers, etc to work for
    its oil industry and its oil based economy.

    However, it ended up that the overwhelming majority of applicants of this
    Alberta program are IT consultants, programmers and software engineers in
    USA. Alberta does need some IT professionals but it for sure does not need a
    lot of them."

    Is this true? I dont find any info related to this on Maple International website or Alberta Immigration website.


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  • knowDOL
    05-19 02:18 PM
    I have not heard of anyone filing I485 without notifying the sponsoring employer and if it is feasible to do like that. however, there is nothing wrong in finding the I485 form in uscis.gov website and read through the info. May be you will get some idea on what you want to get it done is something possible or not. good luck. Think coolly. have some coffee or mint.

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  • EB3_SEP04
    09-16 04:32 PM
    It's time to tell CNN not to give a platform for racists.

    Drop Dobbs: Halt the Hate (http://www.dropdobbs.com/)

    Please sign the petition
    Take Action (http://www.dropdobbs.com/take-action/)

    "Drop Dobbs": CNN Pressured To Give Up Controversial Host (VIDEO) (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/16/drop-dobbs-cnn-pressured_n_288506.html)

    - JK

    Don't worry, his viewership is something like 200k. considering 300 million population of the US, just think what %age of people watch him? i don't think his constant whining makes a diff. Americans are smart enough that these so called news anchors are nothing more than sales/marketing guys employed indrectly by the political parties.

    People like Sean Hannity, rush linbaugh constantly bashed Obama (they still do), but how much diff does it make to the american people?

    another comparison: people like Dobb and Hanitty make $8-10 million a year, whereas Howard Stern makes $100 million a year. If people took these jokers seriously they would worth much more.


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  • perm2gc
    10-27 07:09 PM
    I have applied for my H1B extension in july and got the approval in Aug...:D

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  • fcres
    08-13 10:50 AM
    Can you share how you can check your status online after you've filed I-485? Who would send you the URL --your immi lawyer or the USCIS? Also, my lawyers filed said they filed my 485, AP, EAD the same day. Is that possible?

    Go to https://egov.uscis.gov/cris/jsps/index.jsp and register as a customer from the left panel. Once you register you can enter your receipt numbers and track your case. If there is a case status update they will send you an email.
    Yes, it is possible to file everything the same day.


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  • chanduv23
    03-03 12:14 PM
    thanks for the encouraging reply. it seems like some people are getting denials without any NOIDs and are going out of status due to that. my previous company is not going to revoke my I-140 so that is not a problem. however i am concerned about any other stupid reasons that these people might put in a denial and make us go through the suffering process. do you know of any such situations or do you think that the USCIS is completely aware of this AC21 clauses and that they do not simply deny the cases. I know i am asking a completely insane question but just wanted to try any ways.
    thanks a lot in advance.

    Check out my blog on IV also check some threads that ran in past.

    Remember - RFE for employment does not necessarily get triggered because of 140 revoke - it can be triggered even if you change address (see some threads)

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  • maxy
    10-16 01:19 PM
    sounds good...thanks

    look at your labor app... it states your proffered wage, job description etc. those are the terms and conditions... you can still get an EVL from your employer and have your lawyer (or have yourself) write a letter explaining how the EVL covers terms and conditions on the labor cert. in any case, this is a really stupid and unenforceable rfe... i mean how can the new employer even know whats in the labor and i-140? and without knowing that how can an employer "indicate" any compliance with t&c of labor and 140? i think you should be fine with just a plain evl that matches your job description and salary... at most, you can write a letter saying that "yeah the t&c continues to be valid".

    my 2 cents.


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  • tonyHK12
    12-01 10:01 AM
    Definitely a good idea.........the first thing that needs to happen is for us immigrants to contact our own employers (and if it is a big company - they will have some section that deals with govt affairs/lobbying) ask them to support our cause through action.......
    I work for a small company, but my employer is a very decent man and may provide some funds..........(Christmas season and all!).

    If he chooses to donate would it be the "contribute" link?

    Great! thanks for your efforts. Yes it would be good if he creates an account and logs in before donating, that way it would be credited as his contribution.
    The link is in my signature but you can also follow the link 'Donate' at the top in green or 'Contributions' on the home page.
    Of course other large companies like the ones in Silicon Valley, MS, etc could also directly reach out to our admin/core besides this and also help in lobbying.

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  • ramus
    06-28 03:34 PM
    Please don't create any new thred.. Please close it .. We already have 4 threds going with different rumers.. No need to put another one..

    My answer is - No body knows what will happen.. So just chill and enjoy..

    Did any one heard of EB3 India 485 Approved after June 26? Looks like EB3 visa numbers for this quarter for India is exhausted! If so then who many will be available in next quarter?

    When will the 40K unused EB quota of visa numbers will be available /open? In mid September? Can any of the Gurus explain this?

    My friend took info-pass and he was told that the EB3 India visa numbers are over for now and his case may be approved in next quota.

    Looks like the first 40K in the 485 queue whose processing is done will get there 485�s approved in late September.

    For some one like me who files 485 in June chances of approval in this year is less.:confused:

    I just want to set the expectations real so that we will not be subjected to perpetual checking of online LUD/Status, forums and also avoid huge disappointment.

    Concurrent I-140/I-485: No
    PD June 2002-non-RIR
    I-140 approved from NSC
    Mailed to (state NSC/TSC): NSC
    Received at (state NSC/TSC): NSC
    Receipt Date: 06/07/07
    Notice Date: 06/22/07
    FP Noticed Received on:?

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    08-25 02:17 PM
    I am still waiting.

    June 7th, 2005, 08:00 AM
    Thanks again. What threw me was that even though the detail was blown there was lots of colour. It is not like when it gets blown to white by direct sunlight.

    The shot we are all talking about was originally in RAW, by the way.

    This is the time in a while that I have identified a problem that wouldn't be solved with a large expenditure of cash

    Current Status: Document mailed to applicant. [Archive] - Immigration Voice

    View Full Version : Current Status: Document mailed to applicant.

    02-01 09:42 AM
    We r sill waiting for GC, no idea when I will give message "Received GC"...:-)

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