Tuesday, June 7, 2011

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  • chanduv23
    02-25 10:48 PM
    Oracle applications, Oracle financials, Siebel, SAP are good fields to enter. Data warehousing is hot and a lot of people get trained. Consulting companies have fulltime trainers and there are a lot of courses you can take.

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  • stemcell
    09-27 12:18 PM
    Thanks for the honest and to-the-point answer Yagw. Yes, I am aware of the risks involved and therefore never EVER exceed the threshold I set for myself. I am not new to stock market having been in it for the past four years -- not that that makes me ANY safer than a newbie though.

    Appreciate your advise of caution, will definitely keep that in mind.


    Any tips as to how you pick a stock would be welcome.
    Mostly for day trading do you do any technical analysis or is it mostly intuition?
    BTW you can day trade, it should not matter your H1B status as some one else duly pointed out.

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  • Hermione
    09-27 08:49 AM
    Law abiding? I beg to differ. Application for asylum goes to court only if the petitioner spent more than one year illegally in the US.

    That does not change the fact that the immigration system is broken, I just want to point out that what is considered to be "law abiding" or "law breaker" is aften very-very relative. We are all in the same boat.

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  • talash
    11-19 01:52 PM
    Any inputs ?


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  • GCKaMaara
    11-26 03:14 PM
    there was nothing to be so touchy in those two lines of mine!

    He he he. Remember your first year after birth and follow the same practice (you didn't speak during that time :)).

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  • gc_dedo
    01-27 03:34 PM
    Sorry for the stupid question.
    Is it necessary to inform CIS about job change using AC21?
    Few of my friends havent informed.


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  • bbenhill
    01-12 01:03 PM
    Its' very depressing state, I really feel bad about current state of affairs of economy...

    Its' very depressing , So lets close this thread :(

    But gcformeornot Don't give me read for that , Nothing against you , I am giving you green

    Skd, it was nice of you .. I gave you green :)

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  • gcdreamer05
    11-12 04:02 PM
    Folks, wanted to share the feedback from my immigration attorney, the attorney office which did my h1b, h4, eb3 etc, it is a pretty big firm and has good reputation.

    The attorney clearly told me, that as long as there is no salary and if it is volunteering then we can go ahead whether it is profit making or non-profit it does not matter.

    Now im still confused what do i do......

    to be on safer side i may suggest going for non-profit org.


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  • nozerd
    02-26 09:46 AM
    Thanks Sanju,
    I already have testing experience since I am used to reviewing test plans from a functional perspective and am aware of testing methodology.
    Is there a market our there for testing ?

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  • Googler
    06-18 08:23 PM
    Instead in CIR Section 531 (COMPLETION OF BACKGROUND AND SECURITY CHECKS) takes away the right for courts to rule on writs of mandamus filings:

    "(k) Prohibition of Judicial Enforcement- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no court may require any act described in subsection (i) or (j) to be completed by a certain time or award any relief for the failure to complete such acts."

    please please stop reading the old bill

    the new one is on the iv home page

    or in thomas look at sa.1150 under the s.1358 bill

    Thanks for pointing that out Paskal. I stand corrected.

    S.A. 1150 Section 216 (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?r110:2:./temp/~r110MkRgxl:e138316:) says:


    (a) INFORMATION SHARING; INTERAGENCY TASK FORCE.--Section 105 (8 U.S.C. 1105) is amended by adding at the end the following:


    ``(1) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General shall establish an interagency task force to resolve cases in which an application or petition for an immigration benefit conferred under this Act has been delayed due to an outstanding background check investigation for more than 2 years after the date on which such application or petition was initially filed.

    ``(2) MEMBERSHIP.--The interagency task force established under paragraph (1) shall include representatives from Federal agencies with immigration, law enforcement, or national security responsibilities under this Act.''.

    (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation such sums as are necessary for each fiscal year, 2008 through 2012 for enhancements to existing systems for conducting background and security checks necessary to support immigration security and orderly processing of applications.


    (1) IN GENERAL.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives a report on the background and security checks conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on behalf of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

    (2) CONTENT.--The report required under paragraph (1) shall include--

    (A) a description of the background and security check program;

    (B) a statistical breakdown of the background and security check delays associated with different types of immigration applications;

    (C) a statistical breakdown of the background and security check delays by applicant country of origin; and

    (D) the steps that the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is taking to expedite background and security checks that have been pending for more than 180 days.

    Doesn't promise any results and it is not clear if this extra appropriations will be used for the much ballyhooed transformation that Michael Cannon says might kick in in 2010, or for clearing the current backlog BUT is much better than trying to take away the right to file mandamus suits. Also leads us to believe that 180 days is the acceptable amount of time for a namecheck.


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  • immi_seeker
    07-13 08:19 PM
    I agree with Eb2India, It appears to be a mistake or typo on the part of USCIS.
    You should approcah them. Hopefully they will react the same way as his case and you will get extended EAD. Goodluck


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  • theperm
    07-13 02:29 PM
    Guys....suits will have ppl swooning over coz of the heat....pure white won`t look as crisp. Business casual outfits (Crisp shirts & pants with formal shoes)for both guys & gals will beat the summer heat look professional will send the message across. & a Big bottle of water for sure !!!

    -my 2 cents


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  • drirshad
    08-08 11:16 AM
    how much is 40 credits ...........

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  • snathan
    04-13 07:45 AM
    US needs EB1 and Ph.Ds

    Others not contribute as much

    But defintely not fake EB1C...they can take your GC and give it to other deserving people:D


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  • paskal
    07-08 08:37 PM
    none of the forms ask for any of this
    attorneys like to file them for "completeness"
    i think they feel it strengthens the case and avoids unneeded questions
    mine wantedW2 from 2003 (since i joined this job) but no returns
    and last 2-3 pay stubs

    BUT: mine is an NIW case so i think she wanted to prove continuous service since 2003 in this job (under served area), she also asked the employer for a payroll printout since january.

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  • webm
    10-15 12:38 PM
    I agree with you!!

    GC approval is always unknown even when Priority Date current and they club with diff criterias...:( fully a crazy system..

    Just a positive hope and moving further as a daily routine..:)

    PD EB3-I:Oct,2001


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  • kanshul
    04-23 09:48 AM
    Also remember that the client may not be happy with the small consulting firm who is threatning...

    Do you have a middle layer (preferred vendor)? Does your employer have other working on the client site? In either case the employer faces serious possiblity of losing businesss in the future.

    Talk to your client manager and I can assure you that no court will hold your employer's reasoning as valid.

    What state are you in? In NJ your employer is not even considered an employer but an employmend agency so no non compete holds...

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  • nagio
    01-08 07:31 AM
    Six weeks it is. Sorry I said 7 weeks.

    I just replied in the other thread too.

    My wife went for her H1B stamping at HYD on Nov 23rd of 2009. Got 221g pink slip. Submitted response on Nov 25th of 2009. Got her Visa approval on Jan 4th 2010. May be all the holidays in between delayed more by a week or two. Also US consulate say each case is unique in terms of time to get processed. She works for university in bio-tech. Hope this helps.

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  • desidas
    01-22 08:01 PM
    What do yo mean by siwtching employer using AC-21 and again H1B status? Do you mean that you have a H1B with the new company? In that case isnt that just a H1B transfer? noa Ac021 switch?

    I am also in similar situation.

    I have pending I-485 and used AC21 to switch to the new company but I am still in H1B status. However, my wife is using EAD and she need to travel using AP.

    Can anyone suggest whether there will be any issue in travelling outside USA, if I (Primary applicant) is still in H1B status but used AC-21 and wife is using EAD (has to use AP)?

    Thanks in advance.


    05-01 10:01 AM
    I had applied for labour in 2001 and also applied for i 140 and i 485 in 2002 .My h1 had exausted 7 years and since my i 94 was becoming in valid i was suggested by my lawyer to either stay here in usa without job and wait till i get the reciept notice and ead from uscis .Since financially my situation was very tight with a baby on the way .i decided to leave for india .Now i am here again since last 4 years .When i was in india i asked my lawyer if we can do any thing like counsalar processing etc (here in this case i had paid huge amount to the lawyer,i was paying for my gc process ).the lawyer told me that nothing can be done as he has withdrawn the i 140 .
    Now after 2 years i came (or had to come back) to usa .my new employer started the ggc process this year .Since i needed full information of my previous process to complete the forms i contacted old lawyer .he send me the papers and i was so shocked to see that they did not withdraw any thing my i 140 was approved 4 months after i left and my fingerprinting is due since 2002 .I just wish my lawyer had told me the truth .we could have cp or come back .
    it took a day for me to overcome the frustration of what had happened .
    and now my major concern is 1.that with one case pending ,i dont know how it is going to effect the new case
    2.is there any thing i can do to reopen my old case .

    Take a paid consultation with Murthy.com if you can ask for Murthy only.
    Good Luck.

    03-30 12:44 PM
    PD: 06/26/2006
    Category: EB2
    I140 Approved: 02/14/2006
    485 Filed: 07/02/2007 (NSC) -- Pending
    H1-B:- 9th year expiring on May 26th 2010
    EAD:-Valid till 09/2/2010
    AP:- Valid till 09/2/2010

    I work for big consulting firm - Lockheed Martin. Where they have different business groups under different VP. And Pretty much my project works as it's own company. And I try to maintain both H1-B and EAD(AP) valid.

    While filing my Green card I was filed under Lockheed Martin-Federal(Subsidiary of Lockheed Martin) and also I got my H1-B approved in May 2007(Valid until May 2010) under Lockheed Martin-Federal. End of 2008 my business unit's VP changed and so the name of Subsidiary with different FEIN and from September 2008 I work for Lockheed Martin-S&L(Subsidiary of Lockheed Martin). So for the year 2008 I got two W2 one from Lockheed Martin-Federal and another from Lockheed Martin-S&L. As I was working for Lockheed Martin and the same project since I have filed my Green Card; I never thought my case would be of any issue.

    But after reading about AC-21 I have following questions from the community

    1) In case above, do I need to file for AC-21. Or will I be okay at the time of my Green Card approval.

    2) I have travel plans in the month of June 2010 to Europe. Should I worry about re-entering US with AP.

    3) My lawyer is applying for H1-B under new companies name, do you think my H1-B will get approved with the new company name.

    Thanks a lot

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